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Davis Larbi (Born 28th November 1990) at Adukrom ,Akuapem in the eastern region better known by his showbiz name  Fayastone afrika is one of the fastest growing up and coming musician in Ghana when it comes to hip life.

He is the eldest of three children.

He had his primary and J.H.S education at Nifa in the eastern part of Ghana

He then continued at the Nifa senior High School, Fayastone Afrika started music at the age of 12.

Fayastone Afrika is signed to Lyon Entertaiment Record label and he has come out with three (3) great tunes under the label. They are;




All these songs can be found on the internet. Just google his name and the song title.

Fayastone Afrika has been active in the music scene since 2012 till present.

He has performed on some few shows mostly in the nation capital Accra,kumasi and  in the eastern region

Fayastone has managed to worked with some top musicians like


Yaa pono


Ebony reign

Screw face




and other great artiste on other songs which is yet be to release as time goes on.


Fayastone Afrika sings, rap and Ragga in his native language Akuapem, Twi and blends it with Pidgin , English and jamaican patois at times. He is a calm singer who kills the afrobeat slowly but surely with his word play and great lyrics which he never cease to amaze his fans with.

At the moment, he is working on his singles and EP which we will hear about it soon and also see visuals on YouTube.

Fayastone Afrika  is very active on almost all social media platforms. You should follow him and get interactive

Twitter: @Fayastone Afrika

Facebook: Fayastone afrika

Instagram: Fayastone Afrika

You can also get his latest songs and videos on Lyon Entertainment website

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